Monday, April 7, 2008

Tumble, tumble, tumble

Izzy started gymnastics a few weeks ago. I take her every Tuesday and Thursday night for 45 minutes. She loves it so much that when its time to go so starts crying and yells "I don't want to go! I'm not done yet!" I love taking her and watching her have fun, but I so dread the leaving part when I have to take a sad, crying girl away from something she loves. She picks up on how to do bars, balance beams and rolling really well. I'm not just saying it because I'm her mother, but she is a natural at it. Another mom was giving her daughter a first time trial and she asked if Isabel has been going for a year or so. I just simply said "No, she's only been here a few weeks", she looked at me completely surprised and thought Isabel does very well for so little time :)

I can see being a gymnast in Ian's future.


  1. wow, that is just too cute! it's so fun to watch our kids enjoy something other than messing up the house...

  2. So fun! Gymnasts ROCK! I can't wait to see Benson doing this stuff:)

  3. Yeah, maybe Ian's parents will buy him a trampoline before he graduates high school...
