Monday, April 14, 2008

There is beauty everywhere..

I love the South! There is so much beauty everywhere. Its so lush, and green, with different flowers blooming one after another. Its so much like Washington, yet very different at the same time. For example, the weather is a lot like El Paso but not as hot. You get the best of both parts, warm weather, with green, GREEN, GREEN. You really do step right into the movie "Gone with the Wind". The desert in El Paso had its own kind of beauty, but I prefer the green kind. The people here really do live up to the Southern Hospitality that I've been hearing about. I love hearing the southern drawl when they talk. It's just so funny how my life has progressed from living in Washington, that was rich in artistic culture and green, to El Paso, a completely different environment. El Paso made us appreciate what we took for granted before, and also gave us a neat experience with a whole new different culture. As we traveled further East, we became more and more excited to venture into this next part of our lives. Below are a few pictures that I took during a trip to the Calaway Gardens for a bike ride. It took four hours to finish the bike trail, and we loved every minute of it.

Again, beautiful, gorgeous, wish you were here!
Getting ready for the ride of our lives.

I think they are a little skeptical on how fun this is going to be.
Mommy had the honors of pulling the kids through the entire bike ride.
Safety first.
I felt so horrible when I turned around to see how the kids where doing and saw that Ian was covered in water and dirt from the puddles I drove through. I thought the kids would love it. I didn't think they'd get drenched by it. Ian got most of the dirt because he was right behind the wheel, poor guy.
Part of the trail, and also the last picture. I was trying to set it up on self-timer so I could run and be in it, but as I pushed the button the camera turned off because it was out of batteries. Rotten luck! I really wanted to take more pictures. We'll be going back for plenty more bike rides, so expect more pictures in the future.


  1. wow, that really is beautiful scenery! and i was glad to read that it was mud on ian, because when i first saw the picture, it looked like he was covered in bug bites!

  2. That's funny! I thought it was bites too on Ian! It really does look like washington too! Glad you guys are loving it there! can't wait to see you!

  3. Shaun on that BMX is hilarious. What a grown-up KID!

    Liz, you're awesome. Pulling the kids through puddles. They'll think you're the funnest MOM in the world:)

    We just got a WeeRide for Benson and he's still not sure how he feels about it. Blog on the WeeRide adventures forth coming!

  4. Oh---I worried that those were bug bites, too. Glad he is alright. You probably need a fender for future CLEAN bike rides. What a gorgeous place. Can't wait to see it.

  5. Shaun, is that a BMX? -hope you have pegs. Yes, this is my attempt at making fun of you.
