Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What a day, and night...

Monday started off normal, but not later. Shaun had the day off and was helping with the kids while I was still trying to shake off this flu I've been having for over a week. We decided to do some errands at Ft. Benning and get Shaun some new sandals. We got home about 6:00, and I was feeling really crummy. Isabel had also been throwing tantrums all day. I laid down to recoup for a little bit, when Shaun came in to tell me that Isabel had told him that she wanted to lay down and as she did she projected vomit all over herself and the bed. He cleaned her off and put her next to me. I myself was feeling nauseated and having hide myself in the bathroom as well. That's when we came to the conclusion that the mac & cheese that Izzy and I had Sunday must have gotten contaminated from sitting out too long. We suspected Food Poisoning. So after throwing up continuously Shaun wrapped us all up and hauled us to the emergency room. They ended up putting an IV in both Izzy and I. Isabel was so brave and did really well. Ian was a riot. He was going nonstop playing and making the cutest noises. Poor Shaun was exhausted. Finally, after the third IV they let us go home at about 2:30 in the morning. We won't know for sure what was going on until I bring a sample back to the lab. We're okay, still sore and hurting, but recuperating nicely.


  1. Oh Liz, I'm so so sorry. I know what you mean, we spent Sunday morning in the ER with little Benson. Being sick is no fun for anyone:(

  2. ouch too! hope you guys feel better soon.

  3. food poisoning is the worst! get better and get some rest:)

  4. oh no! liz this is not what i wanted to hear! see when i finally get on your blog and i find this!!!! just further proof you should have never left! hope you are doing better and i hope to hear from you soon!
