Sunday, September 28, 2008

Looking Old, but Feeling Young

Last Sunday as I was doing my hair I noticed something shiny and white. I was in serious denial and figured it was lint or something. After getting over the initial shock, I looked closer to see my first, not one, but TWO white hairs. I felt so OLD! I had to call Shaun to the bathroom just to verify that I wasn't losing my eyesight as well. He confirmed it. So along with the new wrinkles I've noticed next to my eyes, I have the white hairs to go with them. I am so sad that at 29 I am starting show signs of aging. Oh well.


  1. holy're 29! i honestly thought you were 27 or so! i am going to be 26...and am really not ok with that! i think i am going to say i am 23 for the rest of my life!!!

  2. Hey now! You guys have nothing to complain about. 32! soon to be 33 in 3 months. 29, ha!
    Okay, really, Liz you look fabulous. No worries. the picture you chose for this post is awesome by the way.

  3. liz, that picture of you has great lighting. you should use it for a christmas card or something. i dont' think you look a day older than 28.

  4. I don't believe it. Shaun probably colored them with one of those silver markers while you were sleeping:)

  5. that picture scares me:( hasn't she heard of botox:) just kidding, but seriously-- don't tell anyone but i have one white eyebrow hair that keeps going back. so i have to pluck it evey now and then, and i'm only 25! Yikes!

  6. okay i would normally say something like ha ha i've got 2 years on you and haven't seen one yet-but that will make 10 appear from instead i will say-good luck with that!
