Sunday, September 21, 2008

I love Sundays after church, when we all just relax and be together as a family. The video is just a classic example of what our Sundays are like. There is no sound because the mic on the camera is broken, but as you can see you have Ian sitting all snuggled up with Shaun and Izzy being her silly self, with both of them watching Shaun play a video game, all while I cook the Sunday Spaghetti dinner. It makes me feel all warm and peaceful inside seeing my family together, and really blessed to have them as my own. I just love them so much!


  1. your too cute liz! and i love Izzy'z pillow!

  2. Hey, we try and have spagetti on Sunday's too! Love the Elton traditions:)

  3. There is no fighting only peace. That is not found in all homes. Thanks for letting us peak in on your Sunday.

  4. I don't know if you read new comments on old blogs, but this sounds like my brother. Now, instead of having his brothers or friends come over to watch him play video games, he birthed (or you did) two kids who have no choice. Good job, Shaun.
