Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Washington Trip

I love visiting Washington. I had the fabulous opportunity, courtesy of my Mom, to visit Washington for nearly a month. All the things I wanted to do there I got to do, like Ocean Shores, Seattle, and just hanging out with family. An added bonus was my brother Jacob, and his family coming up for a week as well. Isabel had an absolute blast hanging out with her cousins. She played nonstop every single day! Bedtime had never been easier. She started asking me if it was bedtime yet, she was so tired from playing so hard. I was torn between letting her play to her heart content or holding her back for a bit, especially when she was getting dark circles under her eyes.
Now I don't have all the pictures that I would like to have, for example when I was in Utah for a few weeks, and when I visited the Elton's. My camera finger kept forgetting to take pictures during those times. So what I do have here are just a few of the many other photos that I managed to take during my trip.

Can't be in Washington without enjoying the rain, right?
One of Izzy's cousin Hailey, who she played with, nonstop.

We went to Titlow Beach for a day. It was super hot! Really unusual for Washington. Ian loved the salty taste of the rocks so much, I couldn't keep them out of his mouth.
Grandma Martha loved helping the grand kids dig up the little cute crabs.
We had a BBQ at my sister Sarah's house. This is Emma and Tucker.
I think every single one of Izzy's cousins where like BFF to her.
Isn't Ethan (Sarah's boy) just adorable?

Of course we all got to try out Sarah and Joel's Wii Rockband game. I didn't think I would like it 'cause I wasn't to excited about Guitar Hero (sorry Eric), but I really liked the jammin and feeling like I was in a band.
Grandma Martha had a bathtub that was fabulous to take a bath in. Just huge!
Ian's 1st birthday was August 6th, so of course we celebrated with all the family.
We actually combined Ian and Ethan's birthday together since they are only a week apart from each other. I thought it would be so cute to coordinate their outfits, with matching cups, hats, all that fun stuff. I have to say they where so adorable!!

Okay, Mom and I saw these hats and just about died! They where so CUTE! We had to get them, though years from now they will probably think to themselves, "What was Mom and Grandma thinking?"

Ever since our stay in El Paso I just don't feel right doing a birthday party without a pinata. Love them. Sorry, I just do, I mean who doesn't like gathering up lots of candy after the pinata breaks. Oh, and the kids loved it too.
The fabulous trio.
You can't visit Seattle without checking out the Seattle Space Center. Here we are at the Children's museum.

Another gorgeous hot day in Washington. We had to take advantage of it and have a beautiful picnic out by the fountain.

Then it was off to the Dinosaur and Science Center.

Towards the end of the day we relaxed on a ferry ride and then finished off with dinner at Ivar's and the Ole Curiosity Shop.

I loved my trip to Ocean Shores. It was misty, windy and freezing cold! It warmed up after an hour or so. Izzy refused to get in the water. It was way to cold for my little girl who has been in the hot desert for most her life. Ian was another story. He could not get enough of the sand. Every minute I turned around he would grab a handful and shove it in his mouth. I would tell him not to do that and he would just grin, and laugh at me. Poor baby had a poopy diaper the next day and it was mostly sand, his little bum was so red.

Amy, my sister-in-law was chasing her little boy who was running toward me cause he was so cold and sandy.

Izzy got a little bored after a while so I dug out some car seats for her and gave her a "wheel" so she and Emma could pretend to drive. They were in that thing forever. So that's all. I had many more fun and fabulous memories of my trip but not the pictures. But the ones I do have sure help bring back a lot of the great times I had with my family. Thank you all for hanging out with me. It was a blast.


  1. Liz,
    I had so much fun looking at these pictures! What a great time that was. I miss you and your kids so much. Love you forever!

  2. what a great trip! makes me quite jealous that we didn't make it to washington this summer. looks like you all had such a great time...

    and those sandy diapers are the worst...not easy to wipe clean!
