Thursday, June 3, 2010

Manoa Falls Hike

This was our first waterfall hike. There are lots of hikes here that end in a waterfall and we thought we'd start with this one. It started in a very lush jungle part of the island and was just beautiful all through out the hike. We quickly discovered that the next time we go on a hike we need to bring a ton of mosquito repellent. We all got lots of bug bites up and down our legs. The kids loved how the trail would get muddier and muddier, and loved climbing up the rocks and tree roots that sprouted up everywhere. My favorite part was going through the bamboo forest.
Such fabulous fun.

I forgot to mention that there are wild chickens everywhere you go. Never have to worry about a shortage of food here I guess.

Of course, since we were so dirty from the hike and a bit bug sore we all agreed a dip in the ocean was the perfect cure.


  1. What a great day. I just said to Peter, "I can't wait to go visit them!"

  2. so beautiful! and your videos always make me laugh! your commentary is my favorite! glad you guys are having so much fun living in such a rad place! love you.

  3. Wow! You guys are living the dream! I love reading your blog. Keep up the good posts!

  4. So...........didn't you read the little signs and see the wire barriers, Shaun as you crossed over them with your two precious children!! But, you made it and the beach was lovely. All is once again just fine. What fun! I miss you and love you,

  5. Looks like some great hikes to do in Hawaii. It's so pretty there. Glad you are getting out and exploring. We should do more of that here! When Russell gets back:)

  6. Liz!!! I watched all the videos - what fun!! I found myself itching everytime you guys smacked a mosquito... Hope you guys are feeling better...miss you my link on your blog goes to RADON instead of the new one, just thought I'd give you a heads up - hey, but if you want me to be your "dark secret" you know, the "black sheep" of the family, I'm happy to stay under RADON...and you can visit me in secret;)
