Monday, March 16, 2009

Izzy Starts Pre-K!

I am so excited!! I just signed Isabel up for Preschool today! She starts August 6th, and its free! Pre-K in Georgia is funded by the Georgia Lottery for Education. So Izzy gets to go to school on other people's gambling money.

Her schedule is going to be five days a week, from 8am-2:30pm. What am I going to do with all that time?


  1. yeah, so you need to tell me about this!

  2. That is so precious... I think I'll cry when Benson goes to school. He'll probably be embarrassed of me, oh man.

  3. you are going to miss her so much! that is a long time to be away. she's going to love it though, i'm sure!

  4. she is just getting so old! and how cool that they have a program like this!

  5. I just registered Liam for kindergarten. Are we getting old or what, Liz? I can't believe your preschool is free! Lucky.

  6. I just registered Liam for kindergarten. Are we getting old or what? I can't believe preschool is free for you guys. Lucky.
