Friday, March 20, 2009

Fun Kid Recipe

This Goopy Goo recipe is just SO AWESOME!
1 cup all-purpose white glue
1 cup water, divided
food coloring
1 tablespoon borax
glue and 3/4 water until smooth
desired amount of food coloring; blend well and set aside
remaining water with borax in a small bowl; stir wall
borax solution to glue mixture; stir until goo begins to form, then remove from bowl. There will be some liquid remaining in the bowl.
another batch of goo by blending 1/4 cup water with borax in a small bowl
to the remaining liquid in the first bowl; stir until goo begins to form
STORE: Goo in plastic zipping bags.
I made a batch of goopy goo for Isabel months ago and I still have it. It keeps forever as long as the goo gets put back in the bag when the kids are done. Isabel and Ian play with this stuff for hours! I give them a bunch of my cooking utensils and off they go. Keep in mind that it is very hard to get out if you let it dry on the carpet, clothes, anything really. Even still this stuff is awesome!


  1. What a great recipe, Liz. I think I have tried several over the many years as a young mom, teacher and grandmother. This was one is complicated, but the results should be great. I'll have to try it sometime. You are such a fabulous mother, Liz. I'm so happy to read about all the wonderful things you creatively do with your children whom I love and miss so much.
