Monday, May 19, 2008

I realized my blogging has been seriously lacking lately. Believe it or not, but I've been trying to blog a few times already. Every time I tried the blog refused to upload my pictures.
I've also been trying to cope with the last couple weeks. A few things going on here and there that have been stressing me out. As you can probably guess Shaun's motorcycle was one of them. So I am just trying to get into the swing of things, and then I'll post some pictures, with the mighty blog's permission.


  1. that's so weird, you were just on my blog. It's crazy when your bloggin' at the same time. it's like IM.

    No worries about bloggin':) recovering from a motorcycle accident is harder on the wife anyway:) Take your time.

  2. ditto. {did I really just say that!} yes...i did!

  3. Well, I'm trying to up or down load pictures on my second blog and can't get it to work..... must be time for dinner.
    Love you Liz
