Saturday, August 14, 2010

My first King novel

(I love that my sister Heather blogs about what she is reading so I'm going to as well.)
I just finished this book Bag of Bones last night. Let me tell you, that was the first time a book has ever scared me enough to be curled up against my husband all night, and have nightmares of the story with me and my kids in it. King is a very vivid writer! This was my first King book because in the past I never really gravitated towards that kind of style, but I was at the library here and figured I'd find out just why he is always on the Bestseller's List. I believe I shall continue with his collection and see just how deep this rabbit hole will go.
*his writing is not for the faint of heart. When I said vivid, there are a few parts that make me cringe


  1. um. i think i might pass on the stephen king ones. i know that i am too scared to read them. i got scared reading part of harry potter!!! keep letting us know what you are reading! it's fun to read the same things!!! love you.

  2. Yeah, I'm not going to read this. I get creeped out just little things. Let me know of the next non-creepy book you read:)
