Thursday, February 26, 2009

Last week I told Shaun I needed some time to myself and he literally pushed me out the door so he could have the kids all to himself. Sweet husband. So off I went to watch a chick flick all to myself. I thought this movie was so cute! Loved it! Recommend it!


  1. Liz I love your blog!!! So creative and cute. We talked about moving up in your neck of the woods on our road trip. Andrew is excited to get to know Shawn better and I am looking forward to those Tennis nights!!

  2. Sorry I spelled Shaun's name wrong I had it right the first time!

  3. Sorry for all the comments, but I just read your post on Playdate and jogging! I am so grateful for these things too and I am glad we got started because being a mom is hard and we need support and other women to share it with. I am so glad we are running together Liz! I hope you guys found the right stroller for you. Andrew and I are thinking we are going to take that apartment that opens on April 2nd!!! We will be up there soon and we can hang out all the time.

  4. that's so awesome, next time, get a pedicure too..good for the soul. actually i have been known to just take 'me' time. good for you to ask for it, maybe i should try that!
