Thursday, September 2, 2010

My twin (what Shaun calls it)

(I had attached a picture of the teratoma that I got from Wikipedia, but Shaun was so grossed out by it that he asked I delete it and just add a link to it instead for those who really want to see it.)

This is so gross, I can barely look at the picture.  I'm typing and blocking out the picture at the same time, but this is what was in my left ovary for who knows how long.  Its a teratoma dermoid cyst.  I just had surgery yesterday to remove my entire left ovary since the cyst was inside and not on the outside like they thought it might be.  They are going to cut my ovary open and look inside and let me know at my next appointment all the gory details.  Seriously, this is really disgusting, mine was worse than the picture, mine had teeth!  Blechh! 
I'm recovering OK so far.  Problem is Shaun is really really sick and is not getting any sleep.  He's having a hard time poor guy, taking care of me and mostly Ian.  That boy is really testing Shaun's patience.


  1. sick. i love that you posted that! i am going to go and throw up now!!! glad you are ok! hope shaun is feeling better soon!

  2. just puked!

    hope you recover quickly--

  3. What??? OMG How did they know? How did you know to have them look at your ovary? I wonder about mine now, since we have the same issues? Glad you got that removed.

  4. I hope you're okay. What a mother cyst. That's crazy. Take care of yourself! We love you!
