Sunday, May 31, 2009

In Utah

I'm in Utah for the next two weeks. Will post later if I remember to take pictures while I am here.


  1. oh so fun. you should come to washington while you are out and about!!!!!

  2. you are so sweet and i miss you dearly! i hope you have a blast on vacation. i know there was zero chance of you getting back to el paso but what are the odds of getting near phoenix? let me know it would be like a miracle to see you again. aren't you guys up for a move again soon? where you thinkin?

  3. One more week. Melinda asked me to run the 3 miles in a half triathalon at Fort Benning on Saturday. I am thinking about it. It was raining all day so I didn't run. I miss you!

  4. you better call me then. 801-885-0659
