Friday, November 28, 2008

Little White House

There was a State Park next to Calloway Gardens that I have been wanting to explore called F.D. Roosevelt Park. Well, along with the park information there was something called the Little White House. I've seen signs posted here and there and was always a little curious about it, but didn't think much of it. So on one of Shaun's cycle breaks we decided to go check it out. Guess what?! It was amazingly informative and pretty cool. I enjoyed it immensely. For those who don't know their history very well, F.D.R was diagnosed with polio in his later years. He founded a retreat in Warm Springs, GA, which is 30 minutes from Columbus, GA. It was finished in 1932 and dubbed the nickname, Little White House. He visited it often for therapeutic purposes, and established a resort, Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation. He used the mineral pool to ease his pains as well as encouraging research into the polio disease at the institute.
The Little White House itself was on 1700 acres of land that was turned over to the state at his death. It was also the last place that F.D.R. was alive, for he passed away while having his portrait drawn. The Unfinished Portrait is still there now. We toured the museum, took a walk around the grounds, and then visited the White House itself. It had me in awe knowing that I walked through rooms that a respectable president of the United States walked through. It was a very neat experience.

This car was made especially for F.D.R. It is completely operated by hand. You don't need to drive with your foot in this one. A very genius idea!Here is the Little White House itself. A VERY modest dwelling for someone as vastly important as the President of the U.S.They didn't allow flash in the building itself, so the picture is horrible, but this is F.D.R. private room, and the room he passed away in.This a statue of F.D.R. overlooking a gorgeous valley! It was written on a plaque that he enjoyed this place so much that he had a permanent BBQ pit put in with some tables so he could eat and enjoy the view often.Here is the beautiful view. You could see forever and not see any towns, or city.
Just beautiful, wish you were here.


  1. Liz, I didn't know anything about this bit of history. Isn't it great fun to visit interesting places that you've never heard of before. I'm so glad you get out and about so much. Always do that no matter where you live or how long you live somewhere. That's really marvelous. We love and miss you.

  2. I love how she's honking his nose!!

    I thought about you lots this week...all the memorable Thanksgivings together. Miss you guys! Say hello to your family!

  3. Cool trip. I'm glad you guys had such a fun time. When are we going to be stationed in the same place so we can do all this wonderful exploring together!

  4. nice. i love they picture of the little white house. it really is little!
