Saturday, November 8, 2008

Couldn't Resist

If you have an older child who is a girl then you might understand.


  1. i see nothing wrong with that picture...hey, it's collateral, right?

  2. What does Shaun say about this? :)

  3. Shaun kept shaking his head, and saying "liz!". He wasn't too happy, but still thought he was cute.

  4. wait. my boys do that and we don't have an older sister. hmmmm....what does that mean! kidding! my boys just run around shooting guns!

  5. I can see Shaun's offspring enjoying something like this.

  6. Okay, Ian is seriously adorable. Just to make you feel better, Liam came home from his girl friend's house and had a shiny face. He told me that they were playing princess and that he put on a skirt and used her mothers makeup to finish off the look. He said that Makayla's make up was just perfect but that his was crazy. Izzy and Liam should get along just fine, eh?

  7. Nope, adorable as he is, I think he just looks a little embarrassed to start with. Too funny.

  8. Oh bruther, I tell you whut, if mah sun evar tried ta dress up in a dress, I'd tan his hide like a cheap tanning salon...
