Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I & I

When I was pregnant with Ian one of my concerns was how Isabel and Ian would get along. I worried that Isabel might try to push Ian away and never bond with him. I feel in awe of my children that they have not only proved me wrong, but proved just how wonderful sibling bonds are. Since day one Isabel has loved Ian, watched over him, and even helps him when he is hurt. Ian will reciprocate with the biggest hugs. Just simply seeing Izzy gets him all happy and excited that he immediately runs over and gives her a great big hug. I just love them so much and I am glad I can just throw away my fears of my two only children not forming a close bond.


  1. They are so cute together and they'll be best buds forever!

  2. i just love them! absolutely adorable!

  3. oh, what cute babies you have. they're like peas and carrots...

  4. Ok, since there are only girl comments so far, I'll skip to the next man-ish post.
