Monday, July 28, 2008


This is for twilight fans only!
The trailer is out on the twilight movie. I thought it looked awesome! I am so excited for it to come out. If you haven't seen it here is one website that has it.
And don't forget about the fourth book due in August. So buying it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

On Vacation...kind of

Dear family and friends,

At this moment I am temporarily housed at my Dad's in Springville, Utah. What was first planned as a vacation trip to visit with my family is turning into a recovery trip for my arm. My left arm is pretty much useless until my bones grow strong again. So with that problem I have had to depend on other people to help me with pretty much everything. Its hard for me to ask for help and I hate to be such a burden, but I am truly grateful and blessed to have such a wonderful family that has been so willing to help me. That includes my in-laws too!

I am having a heavenly experience being around family again. Just loving it. I wish that I wasn't so tired and in pain all the time trying to recover. I ask everyone to just grin and bear with me until I get stronger. My love to you all, and a huge THANK YOU!
P.S. The X-ray is not mine, but its similar to my arm. I have a metal plate, a wire mesh, and two pins in my arm.