Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

So, I got up early Wednesday morning to start the apple and pumpkin pie. I also started the bread for the stuffing, and put the 20 pounds turkey in its brine for the night. By the time I was finished I had to get dinner ready for the Missionaries. Then early Thursday morning I started the rolls, and popped those into the oven. I started the cranberry sauce on the stove, and started prepping the turkey for the oven. Of course I had to burn at least one item, and that was the rolls. Oh well. I put the turkey in the oven, and poured the hot scalding cranberry sauce in the blender to puree, and proceed to scald myself with some nasty burns up my arm. I'm okay but it hurt really bad!! Plus cranberry sauce ended up all on the floor, walls, refrigerator door, everywhere! My poor sweet husband took an hour to clean it all up while I went to the store to buy rolls to replace the burnt ones. After I got back I started the yams, then the mashed potatoes, and finished the stuffing. I prepared the salad, got the turkey out and resting. Cooked the sweet potatoe casserole with pecans and marshmallows (YUM!), put in the stuffing, and started the turkey gravy. I finally got everything put on our island in the kitchen by 6:00 pm. Unfortunately I kept forgetting to take a picture of the feast. That's why I did such a detailed version of what I did for our El Paso Thanksgiving Feast. All in all it was delicious, with plenty left overs for those yummy cold turkey sandwiches.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz! Well, at my place, my brother blew apart my blender while trying to mash some organic pumpkin for a wonderful soup that his wife was making. It was rather of those oddities of our lives! May God bless you, your husband, and your children....for yes, you give much for our country.
