Just a video of the kids opening their Santa presents.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Ho Ho Ho! Here are the pictures of our Christmas events. It was so fun and relaxing to just have us and the kids opening up presents one by one, but we sorely missed being with everyone. We especially missed the Christmas Morning Scones for breakfast (need to get that recipe from you Michelle!).
The kids got these awesome Christmas bags, with books and stuff animals from Grandma Chelle and Grandpa Bill. I've read Ian's book 4 times already because he insists I read it before each nap and bedtime. It's going to be a new tradition. I'm going to have them open up their Christmas bag each C. Eve to find a new book for the year.
Another tradition I think I'll do is making a gingerbread house to put out for Santa instead of cookies and milk. We had a blast putting it together and decorating.
The floppy gingerbread tree that's in front of the house has two bite marks in it from Ian. Whenever he saw that I wasn't looking, he took a bite and quickly put it back. After the second time I caught him from the side of my eye and when I scolded him he just laughed evilly and wasn't apologetic at all! SILLY BOY!
This is actually Christmas Eve when we opened up the gifts from Bill and Michelle Elton. The kids are also wearing their fabulous Christmas PJs from Brooke and Peter Elton. Love them! We let the kids wear them as soon as we got them in the mail. I've had to wash them multiple times because Izzy will wear them all day at home.
First thing first are the stockings! Ian already unwrapped his chocolate Santa.

Now we moved on to the tree. We wanted to open up the presents from family first. These are from Eric and Julie Elton. They sent us these games that (I kid you not) the kids have played over and over and over again all day. Thank you Eric and Julie!
From my Dad and Marilyn a new exciting church video called "Joseph Smith the Prophet" that I can't wait to watch. Also Dad and Marilyn are starting up the ole tradition that my Mamaw and Papaw would do which is send the grandkids a Christmas money card. I love that you added the pictures, Dad and Marilyn. Thank You!
These are from my Mom. She sent us the money to pick something out that the kids would like and we got them these LOUD blaster guns with lights and sound galore that they can keep in their army bags that I made. Notice Ian's bag says "ICE-Man"?
Thank You Mom!
Brooke and Peter Elton sent us these pop up books that are just amazing. Wizard of Oz and Star Wars. The Star Wars has actual light up sabers on the last page, how cool is that!?! Kids have already gone through and opened up every single pop up. Thank you Brooke and Peter!
This is from me to Shaun. I kept thinking that Shaun was missing something. Finally realized what it was...a mask to go with his secret identity "Papi Chunti".
I got jewelry from Shaun. Thank you my sweet husband.
My dear sister Rachel sends us nativity ornaments every year. Here are the ones she sent this year. I love getting them. Thank You Rachel!
Grandma and Grandpa Elton got us this book that is written by this author that lives in their own neighborhood. Its even signed by him. Its a BEAUTIFUL book. Thank You Gma and Gpa Elton!
My other dear sister Sarah sent me the best chocolates ever! Along with a card and some serious mulah. Thank You Sarah!
Thank You Mom!
Now on to the presents from Santa Claus.
Ian got spy binoculars, a big huge robot, and more cars. Isabel got a Thumbelina doll that folds into a flower, a Candy bakery, a barbie, and a lite brite.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Family Trip
A few weeks ago Shaun invited two other soldiers and their family to come with us to check out this India Temple that I found in the Southern Living magazine. We made a double trip of it and stopped by Stone Mountain as well.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Shaun was covering up some holes in the wall and left a bucket of wall mud unattended. Ian's internal sensor kicked in and guided him to this little boy's treasure, and was instructed by the boy genes to find out what happens if he puts his hand in the bucket. Luckily I found him before the inner working of his devious mind took him elsewhere with those muddy hands.

"Take me out to the ball game!"
I've been dying to see an MLB game since I found out there was a team here called the Atlanta Braves. After much convincing (Shaun's not a big fan of watching sports) I secured $6 dollars! tickets to see the last home games of the Atlanta Braves. Deirdre and Andrew Davis came with us to make it even more super fun. It was a blast! Exactly how I expected it to be. The crowds really got into it. They did the wave, they did the tomahawk hand cheer (you bring your hand down in a chopping motion chanting like a Native Indian), and they even had a singer come out and start the "take me out to the ball game" song. One of my favorite was when one of the Atlanta players jumped up and slammed into the outfield wall and CAUGHT the ball! They did a hilarious skit up on the huge screen t.v. because of it. It was a movie clip of Jack Nicholson in the movie "A Few Good Men" yelling at you "You are the wall! Be the wall" or something like that. What else can I say except I had a really REALLY good time.
Cant go to the ball game with out getting the hotdogs and the works. They rob you though! It cost us almost $20 bucks! for Shaun and I to get two hotdogs and a drink. Insane!
I tried to come up with something original and different for Peter and Brooke's new baby Sydney. I remembered the blocks that my Mamaw made for me when we were little. A whole variety of crocheted blocks. I thought that might be fun to do. I was going to knit them but thought that might take way to long so I sewed them instead. I asked Brooke what the colors were in the nursery so I could match, which is a variety of pink, white, and brown. It was fast and simple to make, except it took me a while to figure out how to do it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
A Good Halloween Read For The Kids
When I was a kid I came home every day from school quoting the words:

A horrible thing is coming this way,
Creeping closer day by day.
Its eyes are scary
Its tail is hairy
I tell you, Judge, we all better pray!
My dad was baffled and curious as to what I was quoting this from so he talked to my teacher and found out she was reading this book to us called The Judge. He thought it was so cute he asked to borrow it so he could make a copy. I still have my copy 25 years in my own children's collection of books. Thought I'd share it with you all.

Friday, September 25, 2009
My sister-in-law Kennan sent me this quote in response to the email I sent out regarding our situation. It cheered me up immensely and I wanted to spread the cheer even more by posting it for all to read.
"No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, God will never desert us. He never has, and He never will. He cannot do it. It is not in His character. He is an unchangeable being; the same yesterday, the same today, and He will be the same throughout the eternal ages to come. We have found that God. We have made Him our friend, obeying His gospel; and He will stand by us. We may pass through the fiery furnace; we may pass through deep waters but we shall not be consumed nor overwhelmed. We shall emerge from all these trials and difficulties the better and purer for them, if we only trust in our God and Keep His commandments." George Q. Cannon
The love and support from all of you has been like an ointment to my wound that's been festering with discontentment. Thank you.
"No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, God will never desert us. He never has, and He never will. He cannot do it. It is not in His character. He is an unchangeable being; the same yesterday, the same today, and He will be the same throughout the eternal ages to come. We have found that God. We have made Him our friend, obeying His gospel; and He will stand by us. We may pass through the fiery furnace; we may pass through deep waters but we shall not be consumed nor overwhelmed. We shall emerge from all these trials and difficulties the better and purer for them, if we only trust in our God and Keep His commandments." George Q. Cannon
The love and support from all of you has been like an ointment to my wound that's been festering with discontentment. Thank you.
Monday, September 14, 2009
On my Mind
Every year at this time I have a few things constantly on my mind and this is one of them:
Love love love the Puyallup Fair. So many memories. Since I am clear over here on the East Coast I beg of those who can to please attend for me and blog your favorite things about the fair.
Love the fair food, especially the scones. Never, EVER leave without one. Couldn't find a picture but the taffy comes 2nd as my next favorite. I love it right off the machine, when the clip off a piece, wrap it, and hand it right to you still warm.
Also love going through the pavilions and looking at the food arraignments and who won the blue ribbon. Love the Candle maker too, and the hypnotist show, OHH I cant forget to mention getting a free sample of milk and watching the cows getting the udders drained. Love how they started doing flavored milk. Surprisingly I really like the orange cream milk.

And you are never too old to get your face painted. Who doesn't want a butterfly painted on your cheek?

And you are never too old to get your face painted. Who doesn't want a butterfly painted on your cheek?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Mine Yours
I have more pictures, but I am short of time and some are on my phone that I haven't yet downloaded. This is just a few shots of Ian's birthday and one of mine. We invited three of my closest friends and their family to come celebrate Ian's 2nd birthday. He got some fabulous gifts from everyone, and had a fun time at this place called Hollywood Connection that has a indoor fair kind of thing with rides. He got his first race car track set from the movie Cars.
He had Cars plates, napkins, cups, and goodie bags as well as a red car cake made by the mom. The wheels were devils food cake, and the rest was red velvet with cream cheese icing. I forgot to take a picture before I cut it, but there was a front bumper with headlights.

Shaun did awesome this year for my 30th birthday. Took me out on a date to a Sushi Bar, then surprised me with beautiful glass jewelry, an Army Wife hat and t-shirt, and......Rockband 2!!
Shaun did awesome this year for my 30th birthday. Took me out on a date to a Sushi Bar, then surprised me with beautiful glass jewelry, an Army Wife hat and t-shirt, and......Rockband 2!!
I am so addicted to Rockband right now. Its totally awesome.
P.S. this post is titled 'Mine, Yours' because Ian is at that stage where he thinks everything his "mine". Somehow we started teasing him, trying to get him to say "yours". So now when ever he wants something, like a toy, he'll say 'mine, yours'. It sounds cuter when you hear it for yourself. I'm not explaining it very well.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Family Photos
Its that time of year were I bug Shaun about taking the annual family photo. This time I wanted to hire a photographer with my birthday money that I gratefully received. It was so nice and FUN to hire Kim Ence to do our family photos. Even Shaun had a lot of fun doing it. He even said "From now on lets hire a photographer instead of setting up our camera on self timer". I grinned and him and couldn't resist saying "I told you so!".
Check out Kim's website to get a preview of our family photos here.
Check out Kim's website to get a preview of our family photos here.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hold Your Horses
My blogging has been pretty lack lately. Been busy. Been tired. Been lazy.
My goal:
post Ian's Birthday Party
post My Birthday Party
post how awesome my kids are
Did I forget anything else? Feel like there is one more thing that I'm missing.....
I do want to do a quick thank you out to all who sent me the birthday cards and called and left me birthday wishes on my phone. I felt so loved! It put a huge grin on my face, and helped erase the gloomy thoughts of how I am now 30, and no longer in my twenties.
Love you all!
My goal:
post Ian's Birthday Party
post My Birthday Party
post how awesome my kids are
Did I forget anything else? Feel like there is one more thing that I'm missing.....
I do want to do a quick thank you out to all who sent me the birthday cards and called and left me birthday wishes on my phone. I felt so loved! It put a huge grin on my face, and helped erase the gloomy thoughts of how I am now 30, and no longer in my twenties.
Love you all!
Friday, August 7, 2009
1st Day of School/ Ian's Birthday
Isabel's first day of school was yesterday. I was so excited I couldn't sleep very well. We laid out her clothes the night before, and in the morning I made sure she had oatmeal so it would stick to her ribs and give her plenty of energy. Of course I miscalculated the time frame and we almost were late, but not quite. Shaun and I just love this Pre-K program called Growing Room. It's a little kids paradise. Izzy has a fun classroom with tons of stuff, and her teachers are Ms. Amy and Ms. Janey. Both are such nice ladies. I think this is going to be a fantastic experience for her.

She immediately sat down and just wanted to play and hang out. There were no tears or anguish. I gave her a hug and felt my heart ache at the thought of leaving her and not having my little girl with me during the day anymore. I was pretty sad. Once I got home I couldn't get over how quiet it was. I was able to get all my chores done and more. I missed her, but at the same time it was pretty nice having more time on my hands.
Ian's birthday was the same day as Izzy first day of school. We are throwing a big party for him on Saturday, but I thought it would be nice to celebrate the actually day with some ice cream cones and watch one of Ian's favorite movies "Cars".
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